TKE – DN Chapter Composite Resurrection Project
The purpose of this project is to identity all the composites currently on display at the DN TKE house and to identify those requiring refurbishment, replacement, and in private possession for possible duplication in some form.
Our goal is to hang those that are display ready, fix those that need repair, acquire a copy of those in personal possession, or create something representative of each year by using The Tower. Download access to The Tower has been secured by a thoughtful frater.
At the end of this page is the current list of what we have and the status. Our mission is to provide a cost estimate for each year and recruit members from those composite years to donate monies to pay for reproduction, restoration, or fabrication so that representation of our 57 years of existence has it’s presence in the house.
Current average cost for 82-83, 86-87, 94-95, 95-96 reconditioning is @$35.00 Founders picture @$14.00.
For The Tower reprints and framing the cost per year will be $8-$40 as some years have from 1 to 4 pages of TKE that will need be download/printed/framed.
If you personally or a group of you would like to make a monetary donation towards this project, forward check. Your contributions will be inked in the Delta NU Review.
PAYABLE to: Bob Nielsen MAIL to:
Bob Nielsen
13249 W. 109th Terr.
Lenexa, Kansas 66210
MEMO: DN Composite Project
Your contributions will be inked in the Delta NU Review.
Thank you in advance for your contribution for this most worth project. Help hang them while at the Work Weekend July 15th&16th.
YITB, Bob Nielsen, 640
Hanging In House: 84-85; 90-91; 91-92; 93-94; 96-97; 97-98; 98-99; 99-00; 00-01; 01-02; 02-03; 03-04; 04-05; 05-06; 06-07; 07-08; 09-10; 10-11
In process of reproduction:
Needs glass: 86-87; 94-95; 95-96;
Needs cleanup and glass: 82-83;
Needs Reproduction from small version and framing: 65-66; 78-79; 79-80; 81-82;
Missing: 55-56; 56-57; 57-58; 58-59; 59-60; 60-61; 61-62; 62-63; 63-64; 64-65; 66-67; 67-68; 68-69; 69-70 ; 70-71; 71-72; 72-73; 73-74; 74-75; 75-76; 76-77; 77-78; 83-84; 85-86; 87-88; 88-89; 89-90; 92-93; 08-09;