The Special Projects fund can be used for special purposes, such as educational-related or leadership-based programs, such as Conclave or a Regional Leadership Conference. This account is primarily funded by Delta-Nu alumni through direct donations or through Life Loyal Teke enrollments. 
This fund is sponsored and managed by the TKE Educational Foundation.  For a list of what the TKE Educational Foundation supports, visit:

How to donate to scholarships through the TKE Educational Foundation

How to Donate: Donations can be made by sending checks or credit cards to the TKE Educational Foundation with a note that says “Delta-Nu Special Projects”. Donations can also be made by visiting and clicking on the “Donate” link at the top.

Is your donation tax deductible? Yes, donations made through the TEF is tax deductible, and TKE follows up with the donor by sending a tax statement at the beginning of the year outlining what donations can be counted.

Delta Nu Special Projects Fund – Tax Deductible

To donate to the Special Projects Fund, enter the amount you would like to donate, then click the submit button to proceed to the Secure Payment Portal.

 Learn more about the Delta-Nu Special Projects Fund

Donating to TKE through the Life Loyal Teke program
When you become a Life Loyal Teke, your membership donation goes towards these two funds.
If you join after you’ve been out of school for 5 years, your donation is $495 (or $49/month for 12 months). From this $495, $200 goes right back to the chapter ($100 to the scholarship account and $100 to the special projects account), $100 goes into a communications reserve account (to ensure the member receives lifetime communication after becoming a Life Loyal Teke (THE TEKE magazine, etc…), and $195 goes to pay for the membership processing.
If you join as a collegiate member, or graduated less than 5 years ago, the total is $395, the distribution of the donation is the same, except the donation portion becomes $100 instead of $200 ($50 to the scholarship account and $50 to the special projects account).

To send a check directly to these funds, please make the check payable to:

Delta Nu Alumni Association

And mail it to: 

Brad Shelton

1805 Arabian Ave

Naperville, IL 60565

And in the memo line of the check, list the purpose of the fund, such as: Delta Nu Special Projects Fund